Saturday, June 30, 2007

One Student Does the Incredible: Gets Law Passed for State to Pay Off College Debts - AlterNet

by Joshua Holland

Andrew Bossie found the staggering costs of tuition, books, and living expenses at college in Maine to be untenable. Working with fellow activists, his campaign eventually convinced the Legislature to offer a way out of debt.

When nonvoters are asked why they don't participate in politics, the most common answer they give is that they don't think they can have any impact. The system's gamed, they say, broken, and lawmakers are only concerned about the interests of their cronies.

Thankfully, Andrew Bossie, a young grass-roots organizer, never came to believe that ordinary people are powerless. In 2005, Bossie, then a student at the University of Southern Maine, looked around and noticed that a generation of young people was having real problems affording the kind of education that most people see as vital to having a shot at the American dream. "The skyrocketing costs of tuition, books and living expenses was taking its toll not only on me, but also on my siblings, friends and peers," Bossie wrote in an e-mail exchange. "It was not uncommon to see a college dorm vacated mid-semester because a tuition bill couldn't be paid, or to find a seat once occupied by an eager student empty, because they simply could not afford to continue."

To read the rest of this story click here

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